Friday, April 16, 2010

Fitness Program Entry #1

Our local hospital offers a fitness program with a personal trainer. I have been aware of this program for a few years and know people who have done it and had great success. I bit the bullet and called a couple of days ago to get a bit more info. I am excited to say that I signed up for it! I picked up paperwork and have that filled out and in my purse. The cost is $50/month for the 1st 4 months & $30/month after that.

I have an appointment at 9 a.m. on Monday morning for my 1st "evaluation". I have been warned that it will involve sit ups and push ups etc besides visiting about my general health and diet. Then my trainer will work up "a plan" just for me! I am nervous, but looking forward to it too.

I am going to use my "Meanderings" Blog as my journal for this new journey...
GOALS: Revamp my diet, improve my flexability, strengthen my lower back, be able to do a proper push up (I really do not know how), be able to run a mile and lose 40 lbs.


  1. Best of luck! i managed to lose 30 lbs with my trainer. just remember if you havent worked out in awhile or ever (like me) it is gonna hurt like heck at first, STAY with it, it does get easier but push ups will always be hard LOL
